New York Mailing Lists
This is a growing list of email distribution lists useful in studying and teaching New York
New York History Net
Join NY History Net and receive periodic news
bulletins of interest to New York Historians.
This list is operated by the NYS Department of Education. Any person
with an interest in New York History is able to subscribe. The mailing
list offers a convenient way for users to discuss events and issues in
the world of NY History. To subscribe, go to http://listserv.nysed.gov/archives/nyhist-l.html
For anyone who has not used an email mailing list before, it is best
to read the mail for a few weeks before starting to respond to messages.
Each mailing list has its own etiquette and it is wise to respect this.
H-Local is the list for state and local history and museum studies.
H-Local wishes to foster discussion among teachers, scholars, and
practitioners of local and state history and museum professionals. H-Net
has more information on this list.
This is a mailing list intended for discussion of the history of the
City of Buffalo, New York. Buffalo is a city with a wealth of
history. From the early French settlement of Joncaire, the burning of
the village by the British during the War of 1812, and the opening of
the Erie Canal in 1825, Buffalo's history rolls forward like a richly
woven tapestry.
Despite the vital role that it played in the opening of the west and in
settlement of the country, Buffalo's history is often under-appreciated
neglected, and frequently buried beneath a veneer of surface parking
industrial decay and big box drugstores.
Discussion and announcements regarding local history, genealogy,
historic preservation, research, libraries, archives, etc. related
specifically to the City of Buffalo, New York are appropriate to this
To subscribe, send a blank email message to:
You will receive a subscription confirmation message. Simply reply to
message and your subscription will be complete.
To post a message, send email to:
A list hosted by Rootsweb.com, the topic is sharing reminiscences of
living and growing up in New York State.
To join or leave the list, send the command SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE
as the body of an email to: NY-Memories-L-request@rootsweb.com
for individual messages. or NY-Memories-D-request@rootsweb.com
for the digest (every 18 hours or 18K size, whichever comes first). A
full archive of all sent messages is maintained by Rootsweb. |